Two girls. Two plus years of friendship.

One store devoted to making life a little more bearable.

Monday, December 3, 2007

For the foodie (or anyone who enjoys eating sweet treats)

On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me... felt food, of course. My two-year-old nephew loves to "cook" and grocery shop. I have included some things he might soon find in his cart or his kitchen.

And then, I also feature some meal related jewelry because...well, it caught my eye. Personally, I don't have anyone to buy a utensil bracelet for but I do so hope that someone does. It's awesome.

Posie and Me

Mermaid Sparkle

(I l*o*v*e the vintage button "frosting" on this brooch)


(this one is richard, the vegetarian's, favorite. yay for veggie pitas! yay for felt pitas, too!)

And finally...

Told you it was awesome!


Heidi said...

VEGGI PITTAS!!! ooh making my tummy rumble! these are great :D

Rocki Adams said...

Very yummy! I love the veggi pitta - YUM YUM YUM! Have to go raid my fridge now.